Topics and abstracts submission
Similar to previous editions, the theme of the meeting will focus on the field of Forensic Archaeology and related fields. Papers will be accepted within the following areas:
- Organization, development and legal scope of Forensic Archaeology in Europe.
- Training and future of the discipline.
- Forensic taphonomy.
- Detection, delimitation and study of the scene (GIS, georadar, photogrammetry, canine units…).
- Security protocols and preventive measures at the site of the investigation.
- Analysis and collection of samples of forensic interest at the scene.
- Cases with multiple victims.
- Cases of judicial and humanitarian interest.
- Historical crimes: analysis and investigation of the scene.
- Investigation of crimes against archaeological and anthropological heritage.
English is the official language of the conference, therefore all papers must be presented in this language. However, at a later date, papers may be accepted in Spanish (only in the case of oral communications) upon acceptance by the Scientific Committee. A simultaneous translation service (English-Spanish/Spanish-English) will be provided to ensure the follow-up of the oral communication sessions.
Attendees wishing to present original papers will be able to do so in three modalities:
- Oral Communication (10 min).
- Poster Presentation.
- Scientific Photography.
Attendees interested in submitting an original paper to be presented at the meeting should send an abstract (in English) including the following sections:
- Title: in capital letters.
- Author(s): including name and surname(s), affiliation or institution to which they belong, as well as the email of the first signatory.
- Abstract: maximum 300 words (Arial or Times New Roman font, 12 p).
- Keywords: (between 3 and 5).
Abstracts for oral presentations should be submitted using the following form, which should be sent to the e-mail address before June 20, 2023. The form should be sent with the following format: 1stsurname.2ndsurname.(if applicable) forename.oralcom.pdf (surname and first name of the first author).
The papers accepted by the Scientific Committee will be communicated via email to the first author before July 15, 2023, and these abstracts, in addition to the above information, will be included in the Book of Abstracts of the Conference.
At least one of the authors of the accepted communication must be registered in person at the conference (except in the case of online presentations, which may be accepted for speakers residing outside the European continent). The oral communication must be accompanied by a presentation with computer support and its duration must not exceed 10 minutes.
All oral communications must be presented in English, the official language of the conference. Except upon specific request and acceptance by the Scientific Committee of the conference, where the accepted oral communication may be presented in Spanish.
The papers accepted by the Scientific Committee to be presented during the meeting will be included in the Proceedings Book of the conference, therefore the authors will be asked for the full text of the presentation, as well as their written authorization for such publication.
In the case of posters, attendees interested in presenting an original work must submit an abstract of the poster (in English), including the following sections:
- Title: in capital letters.
- Author(s): name and surname(s), affiliation or institution to which they belong, as well as email of the first signatory.
- Abstract: maximum 300 words (Arial or Times New Roman font, 12 p).
- Keywords: (between 3 and 5).
Abstracts for poster presentation should be sent using the following form, which should be sent to the e-mail address before June 20, 2023. The form should be sent with the following format: 1stsurname.2ndsurname.(if applicable)firstname.poster.pdf (surname and first name of the first author).
Posters accepted by the Scientific Committee will be communicated via email to the first signatory before July 15, 2023 and these abstracts, as well as the above information, will be included in the Book of Abstracts of the Conference.
In the case of accepted posters, these must be submitted before July 25, 2023, since the organization is responsible for their reproduction. They must meet the following language and format requirements: English, 120 cm high x 90 cm wide, pdf format. The logos of the meeting, which must also be included, will be previously sent by the organization to the authors.
At least one of the authors of the accepted poster must be registered in person at the conference and must be present during the poster session to answer any questions from the attendees.
Posters accepted by the Scientific Committee will be exhibited during the meeting and will be included in the Proceedings Book of the conference, therefore authors will be asked for the full text of the posters, and must include their written authorization for such publication.
In this edition of EMFA 2023, this new presentation modality has been introduced, understanding that scientific photography is an important means of expression of the activity carried out by Forensic Archaeology.
Scientific photography is not only a means of visually illustrating a particular case or scientific study, but is also a way of disseminating the daily work, both in the field of research and in the judicial and humanitarian response required of professionals linked to this discipline.
The photographs submitted must be related to the thematic lines contemplated in the conference, although their artistic value will also be evaluated.
All images must be respectful of the actions and of the people they illustrate, safeguarding the honour and anonymity of the latter (unless expressly authorized).
In this section it will be possible to participate individually or by institution. Interested attendees or institutions should submit, using the form below, the following details:
- Title: in capital letters.
- Institution (official name and logo if applicable) or Author: including name and two surnames, affiliation or institution to which it belongs, as well as email of the first signatory.
- Abstract: maximum 150 words (Arial or Times New Roman font, 12 p).
- Photographic image: attached to the document in the email. The image must meet minimum quality and resolution requirements (300 pp, maximum size 5 MB, to be reproduced later in case of acceptance, in DIN A4 or DIN A3 size, according to the decision of the Scientific Committee). They may be in color or B/W.
In order to safeguard authorship rights until acceptance, this first image may be submitted with watermark and © (as long as it does not prevent its proper evaluation). The image must be named under the name of the first author (1stsurname.2ndsurname.forename) or institution that submits it. There is no limit to the number of proposals that can be sent by the different authors or institutions.
Proposals for the reproduction of scientific photographs should be sent using the following form, which should be sent to the e-mail address before August 25, 2023, together with a copy of the image in the terms previously mentioned. The form should be submitted in the following format: (surname of the first author or name of the submitting institution).
The scientific photographs accepted by the Scientific Committee will be communicated via email to the first author before August 15, 2023, and these abstracts, in addition to the above information, will be included in the Book of Abstracts of the Conference.
The admitted photographs must be sent before September 3, 2023 (mode and format of sending will be previously indicated), since the organization is in charge of their reproduction.
In the case of this modality (scientific photography), it is not essential for the author or sending institution to be registered in person at the conference.
Photographs accepted by the Scientific Committee will be included in the Conference’s Book of Proceedings, therefore the author will be asked for written authorization prior to publication.