Student Conference Bursaries


  • The Organizing Committee of EMFA Madrid 2023 offers 6 bursaries for the attendance and presentation of scientific papers by students of Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology and other related disciplines of Forensic Sciences at this year’s edition of the meeting at the IMLCF in Madrid.
  • The bursaries offered are as follows:
    • Two bursaries for attendance and participation in face-to-face format (includes face-to-face registration fee + congress dinner).
    • Four bursaries for attendance and participation in online format (including online registration fee).
  • In order to participate, the stakeholders must be enrolled in the 2022/2023 year in any official undergraduate, master’s or doctoral studies at an official university.
  • The documentation to be provided is:
    • Presentation of the candidate: Name and surname, nationality, city and country of residence, current studies and affiliation (university where he/she is enrolled). Brief biography (no more than 3-5 lines) optional.
    • The Student Bursary for which you are applying: face-to-face, online or both (in this case numbered in order of preference).
    • Abstract (in English, 300 words maximum) of an original scientific paper proposal to be presented in oral presentation format (*). The applicant must sign as the main author, with no more than two co-authors, and will be in charge, in case of acceptance, of presenting it (in English or, exceptionally, in Spanish, under express request in the email sent and subsequent acceptance by the Organizing Committee) during the scientific sessions of the meeting (in person or online depending on the type of grant awarded). The proposal submitted must deal with one of the thematic lines of the congress. Papers outside of these thematic lines will not be accepted.
    • Motivation letter (in English, 300 – 500 words), justifying your interest in attending and participating as a speaker at EMFA 2023.
    • Enrollment form or similar document proving that you are enrolled in undergraduate, master or doctoral studies at an official university (academic year 2022/2023).
  • The aforementioned documents should be sent to the following e-mail address:
  • The deadline for sending proposals is July 15, 2023. No more than one proposal per student will be accepted.
  • The evaluation criteria for the proposals submitted will be the following (out of a maximum of 10 points):
    • Abstract of oral communication (up to 6 points).
    • Motivation Letter (up to 4 points).
  • Prior to July 25, 2023, the Organizing Committee will communicate to all participants the results of this call, whose results will also be announced on the website of the congress and social networks of the event.
  • The bursaries awarded will be considered non-transferable and cannot be used by any person other than the student awarded a scholarship by the Organizing Committee.

(*) The Organizing Committee reserves the right to arrange for the work submitted to be presented as a scientific poster. In this case, the student will be informed in advance of the decision taken, and may accept or reject the proposal, and in the latter case, also the scholarship.

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